Slack integration

How to set up the Release Slack integration

Release integrates with Slack so your team can receive notifications in Slack channels for pull requests, builds, deploys, or failure messages.

Click on the Setup button on the Slack integration card to open the integration modal.

Click the Install on Slack button to start the integration process.

On the Slack website, review the permissions you'll be granting to Release and select a channel to post messages to. At this point in the integration set up, Slack will only allow you to add one channel. You can add channels to receive notifications from Release in the next step. Click Allow.

You'll be redirected to log in to Slack so you can see that Release has been successfully integrated.

Return to Release and reload the integration page. You can now edit the Slack channel configuration in the updated integration modal.

Add the channels you would like to receive pull request, build, and deploy notifications in. You can enter the channel name with or without the leading #. Click the check boxes if you only want to receive notifications for failure messages.

You will need to invite Release to private Slack channels you want to receive notifications in. Use the /invite @Release message to do so.

Last updated