
How to create jobs


Jobs are used to run a command that ultimately terminates. They are distinct from services (which stay running) and cron jobs (which run on a schedule).

Some common use cases for jobs include:

  • Set-up scripts

  • Database migrations

  • Compiling assets

  • Validation scripts

Creating jobs on Release

To create jobs in Release, edit your "Environment Configuration" under Settings.

At the end of the YAML, add a section called jobs and define any jobs you want to run following the example below.

- name: migrate
  - "./"
  from_services: backend
- name: setup
  - "./"
  from_services: backend
    limits: 100
    requests: 100
    limits: 1Gi
    requests: 1Gi

Press Save as new version.

Click Deploy to apply this new configuration to your environment. This will redeploy your existing instances, and also add a new one to run the job you defined.

Wait for the new environment to deploy. If you used the configuration from the example above, you should see a new instance come up every five minutes. Viewing the logs of that instance will confirm that the job ran as expected.

The jobs schema

Instead of choosing a from_services to base your job on, you can define image to base your job on a Docker image. You can find more examples and the full schema in the schema docs.

Last updated