release environments create
Command reference doc for the Release CLI
Create an ephemeral environment and automatically deploy it (by default)
Create an ephemeral environment for the given application.
Unless the --skip-deploy flag is passed, the environment will be automatically deployed.
If the --wait flag is passed, the command will exit with a non-zero exit code if the deploy fails.
If image overrides are specified, they will be used instead of the default built images for the service.
It is possible to override the default environment variables by using the --env-vars flag.
Environment variables may be set by using the --env-vars flag. To set an environment variable for all jobs and services, use the syntax "KEY=VALUE". To override a variable for a specific service use the syntax "".
--account <string>
Account name or ID (default: $RELEASE_ACCOUNT or "account" in config file)
--app <string>
App name or ID (default: $RELEASE_APP or "app" in config file)
--branch <string>
Branch name to track
--context <string>
Name of the cluster to deploy the environment to (overrides default context from Application Template)
--domain <string>
Domain to use for this environment's public URLs (overrides default domain from Application Template)
--env-vars <stringToString>
One or more comma separated env var pairs (example: defaults.MY_VAR1=x,services.api.MY_VAR2=y
--image-overrides <stringToString>
One or more comma separated service image overrides pairs. example: api=myrepo/api:latest,worker=myrepo/worker:latest
, --output <string>
Set the output format (table | json | json-pretty)
Skip deploying the newly created environment
Verbose log output
Wait for environment deploy to complete before exiting
Options inherited from parent commands
--config <string>
config file (default is $HOME/.release.yaml)
enable debug logging
release environments - Manage environments
Last updated
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